Storing a range of courses and subjects for your ease of convenience, we provide ebooks, tutorials, videos, and much more, all together in one single space. Start learning today!

More than 2,500+ students enrolled around the world

Personalised Learning Solutions

We are one click away to enter a world of academic excellence through mediums of instruction such as small digestible videos; and self-evaluation tools such as quizzes. Just one click away to solving all your academic problems.

Curriculum Videos

We break down complex topics into small engaging videos for higher retention. These videos compliment our books so that our students get the best of all world.


Illustrated E-books for comprehensive reviews further supplement the learning process. The content is strategically mapped to prescribed CBSE, ICSE, and the State Board curriculum.

Quiz / Test Generator

Practice makes perfect. Therefore, we equip our students with our in-built examination tools, such as generated quizzes and tests, for continuous self-evaluation thereby promising a holistic growth.

What’s More You Ask?

Other useful resources like


To conceptualise your ideas and knowledge isn't easy. With mindmaps, you are able to draw and connect the dots that lead to the answer you need.

Answer Manuals

Resources don't stop at books of knowledge, but manuals of answers as well. And that's exactly what we provide.


Irrespective of courses and your areas of interest are available at GradePrime, with the option to make your own!

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Save Money

Affordable yet resourceful. We offer you books and study materials based on reasonable pricing and supportive interactions, relieving you of the stress of everyday academics.

All books at one place

All the resources available on our website, including books, videos, tutorials, are readily available, reliable, and trustworthy. You can’t go wrong with this.

Access anytime anywhere

When you have all your course books stored in a virtual library, what more do you need? We provide an easy access to knowledge to everyone, that they can utilise from anywhere in the world at any time.


Transform the way you learn by utilising the best of the best resources available.

Benefits for Schools

→ World-Class curated content
→ All digital resources of books at one place
→ Automated test generator reports

Benefits for Teachers

→ Curriculum mapped content
→ Categorically classified test generators
→ Automated test generator reports

Benefits for Parents

→ Better academic performance
→ Automated test generator reports
→ Better academic performances

Benefits for Students

→ Adaptive learning
→ Personalised learning assistance
→ Ease of learning

Associate Companies

We are not alone. Here are more companies that are branched under the GradePrime tree.

Arya Book Depot is a pioneering force in the field of quality and affordable education. Our vision towards learning had exhibited our finesse in creation of quality content.

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Learning Hill is a modern subsidiary firm of the established publishing house (Arya Book Depot). Learning Hill Publications, has textbooks and reference books for all grades.

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E - Learning Books


Trusted By School




in association

Transform Your Life Through Education

We empower you to not chase grades, but knowledge.
Grades will automatically follow. And education is the prime key to that.
Let’s learn. Let’s educate.

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