ICSE Geographical Journey envisages the development of the learning process, thereby strengthening the core concepts. The series is child-centric as the well-chiseled activities optimize the learning outcome of the students. The content in the series views a students’ understanding and appreciation of the world through a continuous interaction and exploration of the natural and human environment. The activities designed in cognizance with new parameters of assessment test higher order skills like analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity, which promote not just ‘hands-on’ but also ‘minds-on’ learning experience. The books sensitize the students on alarming issues like climate and weather, availability of resources and their impact on our daily lives. The series ensure a holistic, 360-degree multi-dimensional development of the learners that reflects in greater detail an interdisciplinary approach as well as the uniqueness in all the domains. The model test papers and ready reckoners provide adequate base for the learner to build upon. The learning gradually progresses as the student gauges and analyzes the environment around, thereby molding and transforming them as responsible future ready citizens towards self, community, nation and world as a whole. The series has been curated in tandem with the latest guidelines issued by the CICSE to provide a wholesome learning outcome to the pupils.