Let's Magnify Cyberspace

  • Publisher : Learning Hill
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Course Overview

Let's Magnify Cyberspace Series for classes 1 to 8, propels to a fine understanding of Computer Science in the 21st century. Shaped from fine experience and creativity, the series is developed and organised in a way that the chapters tend to look easy, approachable, inspiring and appreciative with the perfect blend of illustrations and images. The series was created with the idea to nudge students to understand and ingrain technology as a part of their life. Throughout the series, an ascending level of difficulty that is easy to understand and approach is followed.

The holistic approach of the series meets the demands of a dynamic learning experience promoting the potential of pupils through Road Runner Quest, Wisdom Test, Lab Treat, Recap and other activities.

Keeping in mind the significant variance in physical and mental development among the learners, the series offers a variety of textual exercises. The books gives a bird's eye view, a detailed knowledge of handling of all computer accessories and sharing resources. The series familiarizes the students with the versatile uses and applications of a computer hence promoting basic beginners' knowledge about computers.

Some Highlighting Key Features of Let's Magnify Cyberspace are:

  • Learning Outcomes: Enables the students to understand the learning objectives discussed in the chapter.
  • Discover: Strengthens the knowledge of the key concepts covered in the chapter.
  • Road Runner Quest: A quick or short test based on the topic discussed in the chapter. Usually, a small technical question to enhance the students’ understanding.
  • Nugget: An interesting fact related to the chapter to boost the knowledge of some more additional facts.
  • Scramble: Crossword quiz or puzzle refining the creative, critical and cognitive thinking skills.
  • Tech Node: The technical definitions are displayed at the end to reinforce a deeper understanding of the content.
  • Recap: The technical points are summarized for better understanding of the topic and later for quick remembering.
  • Sharpen Your Skill: Well framed objective and subjective questions to refine the technique to attempt short and long question answers.
  • Enlighten Your Skill: Application-based exercises to highlight the technical know-how along with a moral value.
  • Wisdom Test: Mixed bag of questions for drilling the technical knowledge of the student.
  • Experimental Section: Life Skills-based questions connecting the learning objective with real-life application.
  • Lab Treat: Activities promoting practical work in the computer lab along with real-life usage.
  • Training Tips: Handy technical tips for remembering the learning outcome thereby identifying the keywords or technical terms.
  • National Cyber Olympiad Test Paper: Previous year sample test paper of National Cyber Olympiad for students to practice and have an idea of National Cyber Olympiad.
  • Experiential Activities: Experiential Activities section is a part of a quick brainstorming session of the concepts gathered through various chapters.
  • Illustrative Questions: Illustrative Questions will help the students in preparing for exams as they consist of short practice questions.



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