Let's Explore Our Enviornment

  • Publisher : Arya Book Depot
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Course Overview

Let's Explore Our Environment series is based on the CBSE recommendations set in motion, a fine understanding of Environment Studies in the 21st century. A well probed series refined from experience and creativity, it is developed and organised in a way that the chapters tend to look easy, approachable, inspirable and appreciative with well-suited illustrations and images. The units are extensively planned in a sequential manner and consistently challenge the young minds to think divergently.

The series is meticulously compiled to introduce learners to our immediate surrounding and instill in them the general behaviour and functions. Through this book series, we have touched upon various topics connected to our environment, with the objective of imbibing social values within the young minds. In addition, this comprehensive book compilation has been curated to enhance the clarity and accessibility of its language and format, with an underlying premise to making the content more appealing to the pupils.

This series follows an inter-disciplinary approaches by drawing on multiple disciplines, that seamlessly integrates the knowledge of diverse realms and related subject areas.

Exercises and projects have been included throughout the modules to render learners' practice. This series has been designed after several brainstorming sessions to suit all the needs of a learner perfectly.

Salient Features of Let's Explore Our Environment are:

Some Highlighting Key Features of Let's Explore Our Enviornment are:

  • Key Points: Apprise learners about the important concepts and skills that they will learn.
  • Knowledge-Pedia: Factoid update the learners with new and amazing facts that add on to their knowledge.
  • Test Your Knowledge: Encourages the learners to think and connect with daily activities and real life situations to answer the questions.
  • My Granny Says: Age-old classic anecdotes and suggestions transcended by grandmothers that cater to our internal and external environment.
  • Read and Recall: Offers a quick glimpse on the key points and core concepts covered in the lesson.
  • HOTS: Promotes Higher Order Thinking Skills where learners go beyond text and research to answer the questions.
  • Experiential Learning: skill based activities to enhance creativity and apply knowledge in day to day real life situations to cope up with them smoothly and successfully. The skill based activities that cover in this series are:
  • o Knowledge, Observation and Curiosity
  • o Application of knowledge
  • o Critical thinking
  • o Research and Analysis
  • o Real life application and problem solving
  • o Drawing, painting, art and craft
  • Test Papers: To test the overall learning of the student on the subject.
  • Tips for Teachers: This helps the teachers to facilitate the learning process.
  • Values-The Building Blocks of Life: Refine the values and life skills to develop the core competencies and desired behavioural objectives.
  • Exercises: At the end of each chapter, this section provides an exemplary for variety of objective and descriptive type of questions.
  • 21st Century Skills: Following are the 21st Century Skills covered in the book:
  • o Creative Thinking
  • o Effective Communication
  • o Conceptual
  • o Decision Making
  • o Problem Solving
  • o Art Integration
  • o Research
  • o Collaboration
  • o Experiential Learning
  • o Knowledge of India



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